12 Healthy Summer Salads to Make When the Heat Is Just Too Much

There comes a time every summer when the heat is just too much. Warm weather euphoria subsides, and it seems like the only way to survive the sweltering minutes, hours, and days ahead is to remain fixed in front of the air conditioning unit. When you're in the midst of a heat-fueled daze, the last thing you want to do is use the oven. To keep your cool and avoid a spell of mid-afternoon hanger, we went in search of the best healthy summer salads that tick all of the boxes. They're made from nutrient-rich ingredients that won't derail your diet, are hearty to keep you feeling full, and involve absolutely zero cooking, so you can return to the sweet gust of the air conditioning unit as soon as possible. Summer, we're ready for you. 
12 Healthy Summer Salads to Make When the Heat Is Just Too Much

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