Copycat KFC Mashed Potato Bowls

When my husband and I were first married, we really enjoyed the chicken and mashed potato bowls from KFC, but we quickly realized how easy it was to recreate this recipe at home. Not only did we like the control over the ingredients in our own recipe, but the poor college kids in us also liked that idea of not spending $10 for 2 bowls (and 2 cups of water!). With this recipe we could each get a nice-sized serving for a fraction of the fast-food cost.

When my husband and I were first married, we really enjoyed the chicken and mashed potato bowls from KFC, but we quickly realized how easy it was to recreate this recipe at home. Not only did we like the control over the ingredients in our own recipe, but the poor college kids in us also liked that idea of not spending $10 for 2 bowls (and 2 cups of water!). With this recipe we could each get a nice-sized serving for a fraction of the fast-food cost.

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