Crispy Roasted Tofu

I love tofu. Those are words I would’ve never imagined saying 20 years ago. Two decades later, though, and figuring out how to best use this plant-based protein, things are different. I find myself making a batch of this Crispy Roasted Tofu at least once a week, and while the intention is always to add it into a salad or stir-fry, it’s also an addictive snack.

I love tofu. Those are words I would’ve never imagined saying 20 years ago. Two decades later, though, and figuring out how to best use this plant-based protein, things are different. I find myself making a batch of this Crispy Roasted Tofu at least once a week, and while the intention is always to add it into a salad or stir-fry, it’s also an addictive snack.

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